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Mykayla Long
Fiber Art
Premier Yarns Collaboration Project
Created as a collaboration between Premier Yarns and my Fibers class. This crocheted sculpture was for Premier Yarns' 2018 Convention.
Love, Embroidery
Embroidery floss in denim (The embroidered Chinese character is "ai (fourth tone)" which means "love".)
Body Project-Fibers
Marbled fabric sewn together (My take on the 'Body Project' was to create a simple, loose dance costume that enhanced the wearer's movements.)
Marbled Clouds
Marbled cotton fabric
Finding Fortune Cookies
Crocheted yarn, paper fortunes (My contribution to the 'yarn bombing' project in Fibers class.)
Finding Fortune Cookies 2
The premise of 'yarn bombing' is to cover something in yarn or leave yarn art in random places. My choice was to leave crocheted fortune cookies around my college art building.
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